Friday, October 26, 2012


There is hair down here to protect your pussy from invasion
The barrier does not keep the snakes out, that is misinformation
This clump of curly hair can harbor some tiny critters, eek have a care
There are creams, lotions, Lysol or complete removal of said pubic hair

Sugar, wax cold or hot, razor, tweezers, scissors and Nair 
So rip it, cut it, pluck it, melt it, and just take care
If you are lucky that short curly hair may disappear
Nevermore would you need worry you’d be forever unfurry  

If all you do is trim your pussy beard beware
Five o’clock shadow can there appear
Prickly, itchy, scratchy, to sharp for flesh so tender
You wouldn’t want to prick a prick of your friendly contender

Bare it or leave it furry, no worry
Bare is how I prefer, not much work now, don’t smirk
No 5 o’clock shadow no prickly pear, no hair there, just bare
Been doing it so long it’s now down to twice a year 

So you see there are some perks for my disappearing pubic works
Now if only when he comes in for a little taste
He will appreciate the softness when we interlace and first shave his face

©Saroya Poirier    October 26, 2012

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