Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Punishment November 18, 1998

Young, in love, a child.
Ridiculed, demeaned.
Helplessness, loss.
Hurt, pain locked inside.
I don't understand.
I cannot comprehend.
What was the evil deed?
Why was the punishment so harsh?
Why is it wrong to love when you are young?
Why is it wrong to want a child when you are young?
Why must I be forever punished for love and wonder.
Tell me what did I do that was so bad?
What right did you have to change my life forever?
What right did you have to destroy my future?
Who were you, who gave you so much power?
Who gave you power over our lives?

He was my son, my baby, not yours.

The Forever Mom November 25, 1998

I am the mother who should have been.
I am the mother whose soul was torn
I am the mother who was meant to be.
I am the mother who was sent away.
I am the mother of spirit.
I am the mother of dreams.
I am the forever mother.

We are just not the mothers who raised the communal child.
We know that, no one needs to rub it into our hearts.
But we will not be reduced to merely a biological connection.

T.A. Mennie

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