Poetry, Erotic, Whimsy, Wistful, Dark. Let your imagination fly,dream. American style belly dancer and teacher.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Happy Holidays
We see it blue and gray
Ocean tides rising,
The moon presiding
Women dancing gleefully
Under stars shinning brilliantly
Holidays come
Holidays go
Just like Seattle snow
To that white and chilly sight
We stay home in fright
The hills of ice a slippery plight
Fit only for eight reindeer in flight
The warmth of love
The spirit of passion
The joy of giving
In this glorious season
Prose by Saroya Poirier ©2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
It is okay to do this young, but try it old and you are undone.
Foolish, silly inclined to fun, raucous, wild free that’s how it should be.
As you grow normal it’s said, to poke and prod at every thought.
When you are old the look is different, senile, odd, best to avoid.
As you grow encouragement applies, try it, do it, no matter how inappropriate.
Stayed, respectable is the domain of the aged, respectable is quite acceptable.
Try it, learn it, make mistakes, bring it, leave it. Love it, lose it.
When it is thought you are this or are that, to be something other take’s all aback.
Have you gone where you shouldn’t when many thought you couldn’t or wouldn’t.
Then step aside to do that or this it puts some off not expecting that.
Are you strange or just being you, well sorry you say, it was time for a coup.
For now let’s say, it is quid pro quo sorry you felt it was imbroglio.
©Saroya Poirier December 13, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Personal Therapy
Writing, poetry, dirty ditty's, all out silly stuff,
Some handled carefully
Is my own personal therapy,
A way to get it out,
Not hold it in,
Send it out into the wind
Put it away with logic or none
Discuss it, shout it, and just cry it out
Reason it, find the cause,
Take time to pause
Sit and puzzle it through
Questioning why, why not?
It isn’t anything new
Just old stuff with a new view
Then close that door hide the key
Hoping everyone just lets it be
Randy Granny
Fun and frolic
Thoughts of the elderly
Too old, too young
Depends on your century
Fanny Hill, Benny Hill
Salacious, audacious, flirtatious
A smile, a sly look, lips to lick
My but she is voracious
My oh my cover her fanny
Who would have thought?
Who could have known?
I have a randy granny
S e X
A subject
An act
An experience
To enjoy
To hate
To salivate
In groups
At home
Discuss it
Want it
Need it
Love it
Find it
In the car
On a boat
Even near a moat
In public
In private
Or stark ass naked
S e X
Satisfyingly Messy
A short subject close to my heart
Saturday, November 26, 2011
What is betrayal to me?
One father who didn’t fight for me.
Another father who molested me
A mother who ripped my soul from my body then stomped on it.
I was the child
Not something to be used then forgotten.
Not something to be torn apart and left for dead.
How am I supposed to feel?
This way?
That way?
Your way?
How do you judge someone?
Did you listen when told why?
Don’t assume as was so widely done.
If I can’t fix me how do I fix you?
I cannot be what you want,
I am not what you expected.
I wasn’t there
I was always here
I am too old for this pain
I don’t want it
Buried deep
Then it finds its way out
Make this ache dissipate!
Age doesn’t matter when life bites you in the ass.
Hurt just hurts.
©Saroya Poirier
Saturday, October 8, 2011
When you are ten
Old and gray are so far away
When you are 16
The years do not go fast enough
When you are 20
Freedom to do, go, be
When you are 30
The world is yours to mold
When you are 40
Try hard get more
When you are 50
Life is beautiful
When you are 60
Where did go it used to go slow
When you are 70
No matter the past is history
Will you be 80
Stiff and slow
No more, the end